Az 1982. évi
Montreaux-i Jazzfesztiválon készült felvételen igazi nagyágyúk muzsikálnak.
Jack Bruce énekel és basszusgitározik,
Billy Cobham dobol,
Allan Holdsworth gitározik,
Didier Lockwood hegedül és
David Sancious kezeli a billentyűsöket.
Az album számai:
1. Crazy Eights
2. Mysterious Conversation
3. Ursellan Summer
4. Drifting Into The Attack
5. Theme From An Imaginary Western
6. Uptown Breakdown
7. Sleight Of Hand
8. Bloody Mary
9. Something In B Flat
Tömörítés/Bitrate: 320 kb/sLetöltés/Download:
[ Gigasize Part1 Part2 ]
[ Speedshare Part1 Part2 ]
Jelszó/Password: levente
De Jules a 29 de Setembro de 2007 às 18:47
Hello Levente. Thank you for this - you have some very nice things posted!!
Also, for two weeks I have tried many times every day to download the "Stan Webb- Strange Situations" probably over 50 times but no luck. It always starts the download and stops after a few bytes. I have tried both Firefox and Opera browsers. I think that files-upload is no good. Is it possible to please pose it somewhere else?
Thank you!
Levin a 30 de Setembro de 2007 às 08:44
Hi Jules,
I say thank you for the mark. Test it now
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